120-hour TESOL Certification Professional Certificate
The 120-hour TESOL Certification program equips aspiring English language teachers with the necessary skills to teach learners of all ages and proficiency levels. Whether you’re a complete beginner or seeking to enhance your existing teaching abilities, this comprehensive course covers essential topics to prepare you for effective English language instruction skills.
120 小時 TESOL證書課程為有志成為英語教師的人提供必要的技能,以便教授各年齡層和不同程度的學習者。無論您是完全的初學者還是希望提升現有的教學能力,這門全面的課程涵蓋了必要的主題,以便為您提供有效的英語語言教學技能,Tuition總學費 NT$19800。
Course Breakdown 課程分為以下4大部分
- Language Awareness Assignment (30 hours/ 14 Units)
- Materials Assignment (20 hours/ 10 Units)
- Teaching Theory and Planning (40 hours/ 14 Units)
- Learner Needs and Characteristics (30 hours/ 11 Units)
Course Characteristics 課程特色
- Comprehensive Approach 理解方法
- Covers essential aspects of language teaching, from grammar to materials evaluation.
涵蓋語言教學的基本要素,從文法到教材評估。 - Equips you with practical skills for real-world classrooms.
- Covers essential aspects of language teaching, from grammar to materials evaluation.
- Flexible Learning 靈活學習
- Suitable for beginners and experienced educators.
適合初學者和有經驗的教育工作者。 - Accessible online, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
- Suitable for beginners and experienced educators.
- Practical Assignments 實踐作業
- Apply theoretical knowledge through portfolio submissions and materials design.
通過作品集提交和教材設計來運用理論知識。 - Gain hands-on experience in lesson planning.
- Apply theoretical knowledge through portfolio submissions and materials design.
- Holistic Teaching Skills 整體教學技能
- Learn to balance language skills (receptive and productive) in lesson plans.
學會在課程規劃中平衡語言技能(接收和成效)。 - Understand learner needs and adapt teaching strategies accordingly.
- Learn to balance language skills (receptive and productive) in lesson plans.
- Certification 證書
- Upon successful completion, receive a recognized TESOL Certificate.
成功完成課程後,即獲得公認的 TESOL證書。 - Enhance your career prospects in teaching English worldwide.
- Upon successful completion, receive a recognized TESOL Certificate.

英國 Inspired CPD

Inspired-CPD is a premier educational platform dedicated to the advancement and empowerment of educators through continuous professional development. Embodying the ethos of “Be inspired. Be inspiring,” it offers cutting-edge teacher training and comprehensive professional resources to refine teaching efficacy and stay abreast of educational innovations.
Inspired-CPD boasts a robust partnership with Trinity College London, a cornerstone in the realm of teacher training and professional development. Gerhard Erasmus, the esteemed founder of Inspired-CPD, brings to the table over a quarter-century of pedagogical expertise, having spearheaded transformative teacher training and assessment initiatives in concert with Trinity College London, particularly across the Asian continent.
Moreover, Inspired-CPD is accredited as an official course provider of Trinity College London’s TESOL courses, underscoring its authoritative standing in the field. This endorsement from a venerable institution like Trinity College London not only validates the excellence of Inspired-CPD’s training programs but also fortifies its commitment to elevating the pedagogical acumen of English language educators on a global scale.
Inspired-CPD與倫敦聖三一學院(Trinity College London)建立了牢固的合作關係,該關係在教師培訓和專業發展領域佔據了重要地位。Inspired-CPD的創始人Gerhard Erasmus憑藉其超過25年的教育經驗,在亞洲與倫敦聖三一學院共同推動了革命性的教師培訓和評估專案。