簡宏宇 Willy / 李翰 Henry / 楊嬿霓 Victoria / 許雅婷 Grace / Peer (德國人 )/ 徐宏為 Toby / 戴凱雯 Katy / 彭凱伶 Chris / 陳品宇 Carlos / 林沛璇 Judy / 紀慧君 Polly / 陳郁婷 Joyce / Peer / Cynthia Yang / 黃煜粟 Vera / 朱楹樺 Sandy / 吳慧娟 Renata / 游偲芃 Stacie / Emily O Liu / 林雅婷 Amber / 古函 Julia / 利俊龍 / 梁益莉 Karen / 陳沛瑄 Nina / 米圓恬 Tara / 黃湘婷 Ting / 楊云鋒 Dante / 車靜玫 Mei / 潘心柔 Grace / 戴立婷 Iris / 呂心瑜 Shinyu / 林旻宛 Sally / Shaun / 郭瀞琁 Gina / Jason, Len-Burrell / 陳思穎 Ariel / 鄭佳馨 Esther / 陳昱安 Jason / 夏嘉梅 Chiamei / 李適偉 Tom / Cesar Edmundo Maldonado / 林書祺 George / 劉志聰 Dickey LAU / 曹家甄 Delia / 許寧真 Ning / Tang, Reuben / 林雯榕 Katherine / 官千惠 Ivy / 陳廷逸 Steven / 簡佳聖 Johnson / 施淑貞 Evay/林品君 Betty / 周愷容 / 張維藩 Xavier / Kelsey / 黃暐婷 Winnie / 蔡育廷 Louise / 丁人瑋 Jessica / 王芷芸 Tina / 蔡建文 Gavin / 古敏薰 JAMIE / 彭安沛 anpei / 蔡維寧 Sandy / 郭至柔 Tiffany / Daniel Howard / Nicolas Jalil / 王宣涵 Blossom / 許智玲 Grace / 莊惟婷 Tina / 黃定國 Eddie / 黃子庭 Vivian / 黃眉芬 Miriam / 楊藝真 Elena / 連麗玲 Iris / 陳建志 Gary 張傑琳 Crystal / 陳婉茜 Carol / 吳惠怡 Flora / 王美方 May / 周莞婷 Angel / 許劭恩 Shawn / 曾苑婷 Jill / 陳思靜 Cindy / 吳奕萱 Alice / 張苾瀅 BiYing / 蕭敏 Nadia / 林宜蓁 Jenny / 陳忻 Crystal / 黃太雋 Jim / 張邁良 Mai / 張睿云 Eric / 陳珮琳 Vivianne / Lata Manna / 徐偉誠 Wayne / 徐士媄 May / 林怡均 Lisa / 宋伃 Winnie / 陳詩婷 Betty / 楊佳諭 Chia-Yu / 沈俐伶 Chloe / Grace Tao / 趙曉麗 Xiaoli / 張翰 Backhan / 滕家瑤 Yoyo / 宋思賢 Frank / 謝冬祥 Mindy / 唐子凡 Jasmine / 潘睿傑 Rajendra Bishwokarma / 邱雄雄 Sai Chiu / 陳昭勛 Sally / 簡承琳 Cheng Lin / Manuel bozzolan / 郭佳蓁 Freda / 阮樂欣 / 徐珮珊 Katrina / 趙宜梅 Janet / 黃學偉 Nelson / 黃瑞華 Jill / 陳莞如 Dora / 柯柔安 Rouan / 張君浩 Victor / 林淑嬛 Rita / 曾怡菁 Rita / 陳如羽 Holly / 蔡孟樺 Vivian / 李知謙 Daisy / 呂素珠 Carry / 鄭秋蘭 Maggie / 歐姜凱文 Kevin / 郭芸兆 Emily / 楊心慈 Jacqueline / 陳雅雯 Anne / 蘇于珊 Amber / 吳卓然 Bibiana / 鄭子善 Amy / 李姵嬅 Cindy / 黃冠臻 Lillian / 陳泊宏 Andy / 吳曉蓉 Julie / 張惠森Nick Chang / 謝立泰 Jonathan Shay / 林嘉強 Richard / 周幼雯 Wendy / 董佳堯 Ryan / 楊秉豐 Nelson / 陳怡助 Sonia / 巫佩芸 Mandy / 鄭宜蓁 Mandy / 李艾儒 / 林映鈞 / 徐嘉宏 Jackson / 劉穎貞 Julia / 唐意琪 Evone / 李震安Anthony / Nicholas John Palmer / Joe Thetford / 揚貴雅 Bella / 李莉娜 Lina / 江其穎 Cathy / 康愛真 Allison Fay Conkling / 蕭亦晴 Jessica / online for Children / 曾歆雅 Hsin-Ya / 康明理 Martyn / 劉欣湄 Eline / 杜雅婷 Mollee / 藍文馨 Agnes / 饒瑞洲 Tony / 謝舒馨Susie / 邱佩儀 Beatrice / 林子玉Eunice / 蔡翊鴻 Jackson / 張友俐 Diana / 金凱瑞 James / 李美妮 Mei Ni / 李盈樺 Julie / Donald Brown / 楊宛妮 Tiffany / 葉紫琳 Patty / 陳鑫宇 Benny / Louis Saayman / 盧雲帆 Sherry / 陳品樺 Winnie / 許可婕 Stella / 龔俊珏Jeff / Katherine Lan-Ying Cheng / 李牧樵 Mu-Chiao / 范晨安 Vanessa / 徐韻涵 Daisy / Nini Hung-Nei Yeh / Abraham Yeh / Anthony Medeiros / 陳柏任 Danny / 邱沛瑤 Candy / 許仁宗 Tom / 蔡旻君 Emily / 徐禾鈺 Hannah / 陳漢生 Hassan / 董宥辰 James / 李亞璇 Jessica / 江竹珺 Christine / 翁婉沛 Claire / 鄭光宏 Motto / 李峻銘 Patrick / Carl R. Waitz / 羅予婕 Zoey / 張嘉恆 Grace / 賴美曄 Mia / 李宛育 Sheryl / 林志鴻 Joseph / 黃品鈞 Johnny / 蔡依庭 Anny / 李蕾 Angie / 張馨心 Hsin-Hsin / 陳如琦 Audrey / 林淑玲 Cherry / 葉鮮霓 Sandy / 林佳慧Amanda / 蔣馨儀 Jasmine / 薛春燕 Melody / 徐子婷 Tzu Ting / 王怡凱 Frank / 王凰伊 Max / 鄭維琪 Vicky / 鄒明達 Tony / 陳安妮 Annie / 劉佳琳 Valerie / 王鋒璘 Corey / Tan, Maria Kathlyn / 邱旭君 Betty / 林真好(林懷萱) Tiffany / 朱思璇 Susie / 謝佩娟 Betty / 宋蘋芳 Ivy / 林逸榛 Emilie / 林丰乙 Christine / 楊濟綱 Edward / 張庭嘉 Emily / 白濬瑜 Cindy / 鄭秀彬 Maggie / 謝蕙 Julia / 蔡華君 Gloria / 古雲耀 Hakkas / 高心綸 Olivia / 陳慧媗 Huei-Shiuan / 黃乙玲 Friscilla / 邱美純 Rita / 艾欣儀 Angel / 夏紫澄 Candice / 簡妤甄 Angela / 吳岳洲 Alan / 林幸瑤 Emily / 吳沛彊 Matt / 陳欣琳 Betty / 蔡芳映 Rita / CHIEN-YU, WENG Maggie / 蘇真真 Nancy / William Todd Meaux / 張雄 Ferdo / 黃則鎧 Michael / Daniil Borissov / Nyirő Szalóme / 陳彥輔 Eliot / 李金榜 Jerry / Emanuele John Gelsi / 畢棕惠 Helen / 王盈盈 Terry / Harlan Roal Wells / 王麗雯 Violet / 余錫賢 Angel / 侯瑜蕙 Angela / 蔡潔心 Jessica / 羅儷 Lily / 張美琪 Victoria / 李善勻 Sunny / 李蓉 Connie / 劉懿瑩 Kiki / 逄增瑜 Jen / 陸韻如 Lucy / Monique Menkveld / 顏呈容 Harriet / "黃俊諺 Mark / 詹于穎 Marene / 林欣穎 Darice / 張曉芸 Elaine / Sara Teresa Grim / 黃豐熾 Frank / 麥爾文 Alvin / 蕭雅憫 Benjamin / 江沛妍 Sabrina / 侯雅文 Aven / 梁嘉惠 Christine / 葉如倩 Rachel / 吳瓊蘭 Lan / 邱亞儒 Rachel / 葉雁玲 Cecilia / 謝沛晴 Penny / Jan Luksa / 陳皇仁 Antony / 方婉君 Grace / 凃凱綺 Christina / 謝蓉真 Debby / 陳智玟 Gabriel / 黃執虔 Andrew / 高志光 Owen / 雲筱棠 Ashley / 胡鎮吉 Jim / 鄭舜仁 Fred / 何智明 Alex / John Anatholy L. Chua John / 許貴綿 Kuei-Mein / 葛良恩 Ann / 林子敬 Miki / 王薇薇 Wei-Wei / 陳佳君 Betty / 張家華 Tina / BRENDAN MENDES / 林季賢 James / 胡評閎 Harry / 吳姵穎 Monico / 趙怡婷 Daisy / 楊慧怡 Jen / 鄭廷婷 Ting-Ting / 蔡亞倫 Ellen / 謝秉庭 Dora / 許雅娟 Winnie / 林女譽 Joy / 林玉慧 Sara / 江蘋玓 Judy / Shelley Eileen Chang / 馬鈺婷 Angelina / 李建宏 Stanley / 孫沛婕 Alice / 吳世卿 Billy / 蔡惠幸 Joy / 鍾孟臻 Judy / 廖婉君 Wanda / 張翡月 Feiyueh / 陳亮智 Evans / Jorge Gonzalez Mosquera Jorge / 李沛穎 Ann / 楊浩威 Howard / 蕭瑞廷 Bonnie / 王惠巧 Sally / 羅希德 Rasyid / 謝孟青 Marco / 范玉芬 Selina / 王勁閎 Ching-Hung / 莊益誠 Ethan / Barrie Keith Whitling Barrie Keith / 王尚宸 James / 陳明君 Jean / 吳敬琳 Michael / 蕭倢伃 Jenny / 何宜恬 Tim / 張黎 Zhang Li / 劉佩茹 Pink / 林郁傑 Yu-Chieh / 曾敬豪 Jason / 黃家怡 Jia-Yi / 林郁雯 Sharon / 李姮蓁 Janly / 謝孟璋 Gilbert / 蕭若惠 Sandy / 許珊珊 Carrie / 蔡惠蘭 Ann / 杜沐恩 Ivy / Marcelo Valdes Marcelo / 林智婕 Catherine / 陳瑩暄 Elisa / 張佳雯 Sammi / 林宜欣 Katie / 陳詩思 Shih-Shih / 余昌潔 Cindy / 呂宜樺 Sandy / 楊沛璇 Lydia / 許佳茵 Joy / 廖婉棋 Virgina / 林襄君 Stephanie / 鄧宇軒 Yuan / 陳雅琪 Angela / Omid kahbasi Omid / 張李曉娟 Tiffany / 吳其澤 Jesse / 洪浩睿 Milic / 汪龍雯 Sophie / Online for Business / Online for Children / 林吟樺 Victoria / 裴劉美香 Nancy / William Anthony Higginson William / 劉宏瑋 Hung / 蕭崴云 Carrie / Dylan James Sandenbergh Dylan / 王淳郁 Carrie / 曾怡婷 Janice / 林筱詩 Ever / 陳虹羽 Ada / 孫藹林 Jessica / Miguel Melgarejo / 廖苡亘 Ariel / 黃怡璇 Angela / 吳玟瑾 Regina / 曾詩雅 Adela / 林婉婷 Tina / 許燕 Rosa / 林子廉 Grace / 余孟芳 Gloria / 何冠陵 Katherine / 鄭亦翔 Gustav


Gerhard Erasmus

Nationality: South Africa

Having taught a variety of students from beginner level young learners to advanced level adults and also observed other teachers teaching these levels, I find that one of the key elements of success is a teacher’s ability to engage their students in the target language in a meaningful way. This course will give you the tools to do that at a variety of levels and help you to find the experience of teaching English pleasurable and rewarding. English teaching can be very rewarding and lots of fun if teachers know how to plan and structure their lessons in a manner that is geared towards engagement and success.

Educational details

2011 : Nova Southeastern University, MSc. Education (TEFL)
1998 : University of Pretoria, BA (Psychology)
Cambridge ESOL (through Bell Centre UK)
Delta modules (current) Module 1 and 2 completed.
Training from Cambridge ESOL associated with my current responsibilities as examiner, trainer and inspector

Working History

2010 to present : teacher training and examining
Cambridge ESOL centre Inspector Taiwan
Responsible for inspecting centers to ensure that they adhere to Cambridge Exam regulations
Cambridge ESOL presenter and trainer
Plan and deliver presentations on behalf of Cambridge Language assessment in Taiwan and Hong Kong
Cambridge ESOL TKT trainer
Teacher trainer for the Cambridge TKT exams. Covering all core modules and TKT practical.
Cambridge ESOL presenter trainer
Training of Cambridge TKT presenters and trainers.
TKT Practical Assessor
Observe teachers in class for the TKT Practical module and scoring their lesson plans and delivered lessons according the Cambridge TKT criteria.

Teaching oriented working experience

2009 to 2011 Taipei Korean elementary school
Age group: English teacher for grades 1 to 6
2006 to present ACE.Language Institute. Language School, Owner/teacher, Yonghe, Taiwan
Age group: from elementary school to University. My duties involve teaching, teacher training, school management and recruitment, curriculum design, activity design and the writing of material to deal with items that appear problematic for students preparing for the Cambridge exams.
Grades 1 to 6 take the Cambridge YLE tests.
Teenagers to Adults: GEPT teaching to beginner and intermediate levels
Children to Adults: KET, PET and FCE , GEPT
Adults: BULATS and CAE class.
2002 to 2006 Box English, English teacher, Yonghe, Taiwan
Prepare students for Cambridge YLE tests and GEPT beginner and intermediate levels.

Other contract work

2010 – Teacher trainer for Anglia CITE (Certificate for International Teachers of English) for a two month course
2007 – Designed and taught an English course for the Taipei County Chinese Doctors Association.
2009 to present – Summer and winter camp for British Council Taipei

Related experience: Academic conference presentations

  1. 2011 “the position of TKT in the esl market” Yunlin University of Science and Technology conference on CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), Yunlin, Taiwan
  2. 2014 “Do we really read to learn” Kainan International TESOL conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  3. 2013 Book series for Cambridge YLE exam preparation to be published in June 2014 through Cengage Publishing, Taipei, Taiwan

Jenna Lynn Cody

Nationality: USA

After graduating from the George Washington University (BA International Affairs), I embarked on a teaching career first in China, and then the USA, earning a CELTA and Delta. I have taught English in Taiwan for over 11 years, focusing on IELTS, Business English and teacher training and am currently working on a Master of Education in TESOL at the University of Exeter. I believe foremost that every learner is an individual, and try to build rapport with them as people in order to understand what they want to learn, what they are ready to learn, and what they enjoy about learning. My core teaching strategy is experiential - learning through meaningful interactions with language including texts, tasks and various kinds of controlled and open practice. I expect my learners to work hard and be open to learning, but I also understand that every learner will have different goals and show improvement in individual ways. To learn a language, I suggest two components: exposure and practice. Read and listen for pleasure as well as to become used to the building blocks of the language, and then seek out opportunities to speak and write as much as possible.

Educational background

The George Washington University, Washington, DC (USA): BA International Affairs
The University of Exeter, Exeter (United Kingdom): MEd TESOL
Cambridge Delta Qualified (Specialism: Business English)
CELTA Certified: Pass A

Active IELTS examiner

Freelance Corporate Trainer and English Instructor 10/2012 – present: Taipei, Taiwan
Specializing in presentation/public speaking, business writing skills and business etiquette/socializing
through a variety of teaching methods Experienced Corporate Trainer – 06/2015 – present: LADO Management Consultants: Taipei, Taiwan
Preparing and executing skills-based Business English workshops and seminars
Conducting training sessions at all levels using communicative, lexical and genre-based approaches

Lead Trainer experience on several seminar topics

IELTS Exam Preparation Instructor – 09/2013 – present: CES: Taipei, Taiwan
Observing colleagues in a teacher trainer capacity, providing feedback/follow-up
Preparing students at a variety of levels for the IELTS exam
Focusing on testing strategies for IELTS using a multilayered skills-based syllabus
Became an active IELTS examiner with IDP Education within 2 years of employment
Senior Corporate Trainer – 09/2007 – 12/2015: EIE Management Consultants: Taipei, Taiwan
Trained high-level professionals from diverse industries in Business English skills
Aided in course and seminar creation, material creation and teacher training
Served as Lead Trainer for seminars, workshops and Corporate English Camp
Edited medical and academic papers, performed light translation
English Instructor - 09/2006 -09/2007: Kojen English: Taipei, Taiwan
Followed a structured, student-centered curriculum using communicative language teaching for adults and the Audiolingual method for children
ESOL Instructor - 09/2005 - 09/2006: Columbia College: Falls Church VA, USA
Taught English conversation and communication skills to newly-arrived immigrants

Derick Lourens

Nationality: South Africa

My name is Derick. I would like to introduce myself briefly. I have been teaching EFL in Taiwan for 13 years now, at various schools in Taipei. I have taught all age groups, including Preschool, Young Learners, Teenagers and Adults. My experience also includes different levels of learners ranging from Beginner and Intermediate to Advanced learners.

My teaching philosophy is very clear. I need to keep in mind the individuality of my students and settings, and that language learning is complex, and that there is not only one way to teach all students. Differentiated instruction is necessary in order to get all students connected and involved in the learning process. Therefore I believe that different theories and teaching methods have to be applied in EFL classrooms.

Student involvement in the learning process is essential. I expect learners to actively engage in communication and apply critical thinking in activities. Students must be motivated to take charge of their own learning experience and become active learners outside of classrooms as well. Students should not only depend on teachers.

I am looking forward to seeing you in class!

Educational background

Nova Southeastern University
2011 – 2012 Master of Science in Education (M.Sc.Ed.), TEFL
Cambridge University ESOL section
2009 – 2012 N.D.P., - Speaking Examiner for YLE, KET, PET - Cambridge TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) Modules 1, 2 and 3
London Teacher Training College
2009 – 2010 Diploma TESOL; Diploma Business English; Certificate TEFL; Certificate TEYLT;, Young Learners, Teenagers, and Adults
University of South Africa
1995 – 2000 LLB, Law
University of Stellenbosch
1992 – 1994 B.A., Law Major (Minor in English Literature)

Present career

IELTS instructor, Cambridge Taipei
TESOL trainer, American TESOL Institute, Taiwan branch


July 2013 – 2014
Business English Instructor at Gjun (Taipei Main Branch)
--- Instructing adults and business professionals in formal classroom settings. Levels: Advanced, Intermediate, and Pre-Intermediate adults

August 2011 – 2014
EFL Teacher at ChingShin Private Elementary and Middle School
--- Teaching EFL to Young Learners
--- Methodology/Techniques:
Beginner Level - CLIL, Immersion, Communicative, TPR, Whole Language, TBL, PBL

August 2011 - August 2013
EFL Teacher Part Time at JLS Language
--- Beginner and Intermediate learners, Adults and Teenagers
--- Methodology/Techniques:
Beginner Levels - Communicative, TPR, Music, Ed.Technology
Intermediate Levels - Communicative, Direct Instruction, TBL, Ed.Technology

August 2001 - August 2013
EFL Teacher at H.M. Corporation
--- Teaching EFL to Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Learners
--- Methodology/Techniques for:
Beginner Level - CLIL, Immersion, Communicative, TPR, Reader's Theater
Intermediate Level - CLIL, Communicative, Direct Instruction
Advanced Level - Communicative, Direct Instruction, TBL, Integration of Technology and the 4 Skills

August 2001 - July 2011
EFL Teacher at Joy School
--- EFL teacher : Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced learners
--- Methodology/Techniques:
Beginner Levels - Communicative, TPR, Songs
Intermediate Levels - Communicative, Direct Instruction, TBL Advanced Level - Communicative, Direct Instruction, TBL

Jonathan Laubscher

Nationality: The United Kingdom


Since 2008, Jonathan has taught in several language centers and British Council (英國教育中心) in Taiwan, teaching students from primary school students to adults. Concurrently 6 years of experience as a TESOL Qualified Trainer.

Education MA Literature

BA degree Major French & Psychology University of Witwatersrand
TESOL Diploma University of Witwatersrand
TESOL Diploma Trinity College London
International Diploma in Language Teaching Management (IDLTM).
Trinity CertTESOL Professional Trainer

Chris Redpath

Nationality: The United Kingdom


15 years teaching experience in Taiwan and Japan, including as Director of Studies at Shane English Schools, as a teacher at Kang Chiao, and at the British Council. Has experience of a wide range of contexts, including teaching corporate classes, adults, IELTS preparation, and young learners. He is also an IELTS examiner and is currently teaching upper intermediate and advanced students at Inspired Kids and Inspired CPD and working towards being a tutor on Trinity validated courses.

Education MA Literature

TESOL certificate King's College London

Currently completing the OFQUAL Level 7 regulated Trinity Diploma TESOL

Jason Hendryx

Nationality: USA

Hello! My name is Jason and it is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you! I hold a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Second Language Acquisition. I have over 30 years of language teaching experience from kindergarten through graduate school. For almost two decades now I have been involved in the training of future language teachers. I have presented at TESOL conferences and have TESOL-related publications. The greatest strength any teacher can bring to the language classroom, in my opinion, is a passion and joy for what is being taught. In this regard, I am a huge fan of Dewey who once said, “To be playful and serious at the same time is possible, and it defines the ideal mental condition.” In my classes, I will expect you to be both prepared and enthusiastic. Let’s have some fun working together!

Educational background

College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2008 Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2003 M.A., Chinese Language & Literature
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1991 B.A., Chinese Language & Literature


2017, Aug- 2018, Jun
Adjunct Faculty (Online),
University of Wyoming, College of Education, Department of Secondary Education, Modern Languages Education

2017, Aug- 2018, Jul
Adjunct Faculty
National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Applied Chinese Language and Culture, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

2013, Aug- 2016, Dec
Assistant Professor,
University of Wyoming, College of Education, Department of Secondary Education, Modern Languages Education

Assistant Professor,
National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Applied Chinese Language and Culture, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Assistant Professor of Chinese
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO

2007-2008 Language Methods Instructor
College of Education, Teacher Education Program, World Language Course 588-589, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Instructional Consultant Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR), University of Washington, Seattle, WA
May-June 2007
First-Year Chinese Program Coordinator
Asian Languages and Literature, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

English Language Instructor
English Language Programs (ELP), University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Writing Consultant
Writing Lab, College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Chinese Language After-School High School Teacher
Various Schools, Seattle, WA

Chinese Language Curriculum Support
Lakeside Middle School, Seattle, WA

2000-2003/Sum 2004, 2005
Teaching Assistant
Chinese Language, Department of Chinese Language & Literature, University of Washington

Government Information Office (GIO), Taipei, Taiwan