簡宏宇 Willy / 李翰 Henry / 楊嬿霓 Victoria / 許雅婷 Grace / Peer (德國人 )/ 徐宏為 Toby / 戴凱雯 Katy / 彭凱伶 Chris / 陳品宇 Carlos / 林沛璇 Judy / 紀慧君 Polly / 陳郁婷 Joyce / Peer / Cynthia Yang / 黃煜粟 Vera / 朱楹樺 Sandy / 吳慧娟 Renata / 游偲芃 Stacie / Emily O Liu / 林雅婷 Amber / 古函 Julia / 利俊龍 / 梁益莉 Karen / 陳沛瑄 Nina / 米圓恬 Tara / 黃湘婷 Ting / 楊云鋒 Dante / 車靜玫 Mei / 潘心柔 Grace / 戴立婷 Iris / 呂心瑜 Shinyu / 林旻宛 Sally / Shaun / 郭瀞琁 Gina / Jason, Len-Burrell / 陳思穎 Ariel / 鄭佳馨 Esther / 陳昱安 Jason / 夏嘉梅 Chiamei / 李適偉 Tom / Cesar Edmundo Maldonado / 林書祺 George / 劉志聰 Dickey LAU / 曹家甄 Delia / 許寧真 Ning / Tang, Reuben / 林雯榕 Katherine / 官千惠 Ivy / 陳廷逸 Steven / 簡佳聖 Johnson / 施淑貞 Evay/林品君 Betty / 周愷容 / 張維藩 Xavier / Kelsey / 黃暐婷 Winnie / 蔡育廷 Louise / 丁人瑋 Jessica / 王芷芸 Tina / 蔡建文 Gavin / 古敏薰 JAMIE / 彭安沛 anpei / 蔡維寧 Sandy / 郭至柔 Tiffany / Daniel Howard / Nicolas Jalil / 王宣涵 Blossom / 許智玲 Grace / 莊惟婷 Tina / 黃定國 Eddie / 黃子庭 Vivian / 黃眉芬 Miriam / 楊藝真 Elena / 連麗玲 Iris / 陳建志 Gary 張傑琳 Crystal / 陳婉茜 Carol / 吳惠怡 Flora / 王美方 May / 周莞婷 Angel / 許劭恩 Shawn / 曾苑婷 Jill / 陳思靜 Cindy / 吳奕萱 Alice / 張苾瀅 BiYing / 蕭敏 Nadia / 林宜蓁 Jenny / 陳忻 Crystal / 黃太雋 Jim / 張邁良 Mai / 張睿云 Eric / 陳珮琳 Vivianne / Lata Manna / 徐偉誠 Wayne / 徐士媄 May / 林怡均 Lisa / 宋伃 Winnie / 陳詩婷 Betty / 楊佳諭 Chia-Yu / 沈俐伶 Chloe / Grace Tao / 趙曉麗 Xiaoli / 張翰 Backhan / 滕家瑤 Yoyo / 宋思賢 Frank / 謝冬祥 Mindy / 唐子凡 Jasmine / 潘睿傑 Rajendra Bishwokarma / 邱雄雄 Sai Chiu / 陳昭勛 Sally / 簡承琳 Cheng Lin / Manuel bozzolan / 郭佳蓁 Freda / 阮樂欣 / 徐珮珊 Katrina / 趙宜梅 Janet / 黃學偉 Nelson / 黃瑞華 Jill / 陳莞如 Dora / 柯柔安 Rouan / 張君浩 Victor / 林淑嬛 Rita / 曾怡菁 Rita / 陳如羽 Holly / 蔡孟樺 Vivian / 李知謙 Daisy / 呂素珠 Carry / 鄭秋蘭 Maggie / 歐姜凱文 Kevin / 郭芸兆 Emily / 楊心慈 Jacqueline / 陳雅雯 Anne / 蘇于珊 Amber / 吳卓然 Bibiana / 鄭子善 Amy / 李姵嬅 Cindy / 黃冠臻 Lillian / 陳泊宏 Andy / 吳曉蓉 Julie / 張惠森Nick Chang / 謝立泰 Jonathan Shay / 林嘉強 Richard / 周幼雯 Wendy / 董佳堯 Ryan / 楊秉豐 Nelson / 陳怡助 Sonia / 巫佩芸 Mandy / 鄭宜蓁 Mandy / 李艾儒 / 林映鈞 / 徐嘉宏 Jackson / 劉穎貞 Julia / 唐意琪 Evone / 李震安Anthony / Nicholas John Palmer / Joe Thetford / 揚貴雅 Bella / 李莉娜 Lina / 江其穎 Cathy / 康愛真 Allison Fay Conkling / 蕭亦晴 Jessica / online for Children / 曾歆雅 Hsin-Ya / 康明理 Martyn / 劉欣湄 Eline / 杜雅婷 Mollee / 藍文馨 Agnes / 饒瑞洲 Tony / 謝舒馨Susie / 邱佩儀 Beatrice / 林子玉Eunice / 蔡翊鴻 Jackson / 張友俐 Diana / 金凱瑞 James / 李美妮 Mei Ni / 李盈樺 Julie / Donald Brown / 楊宛妮 Tiffany / 葉紫琳 Patty / 陳鑫宇 Benny / Louis Saayman / 盧雲帆 Sherry / 陳品樺 Winnie / 許可婕 Stella / 龔俊珏Jeff / Katherine Lan-Ying Cheng / 李牧樵 Mu-Chiao / 范晨安 Vanessa / 徐韻涵 Daisy / Nini Hung-Nei Yeh / Abraham Yeh / Anthony Medeiros / 陳柏任 Danny / 邱沛瑤 Candy / 許仁宗 Tom / 蔡旻君 Emily / 徐禾鈺 Hannah / 陳漢生 Hassan / 董宥辰 James / 李亞璇 Jessica / 江竹珺 Christine / 翁婉沛 Claire / 鄭光宏 Motto / 李峻銘 Patrick / Carl R. Waitz / 羅予婕 Zoey / 張嘉恆 Grace / 賴美曄 Mia / 李宛育 Sheryl / 林志鴻 Joseph / 黃品鈞 Johnny / 蔡依庭 Anny / 李蕾 Angie / 張馨心 Hsin-Hsin / 陳如琦 Audrey / 林淑玲 Cherry / 葉鮮霓 Sandy / 林佳慧Amanda / 蔣馨儀 Jasmine / 薛春燕 Melody / 徐子婷 Tzu Ting / 王怡凱 Frank / 王凰伊 Max / 鄭維琪 Vicky / 鄒明達 Tony / 陳安妮 Annie / 劉佳琳 Valerie / 王鋒璘 Corey / Tan, Maria Kathlyn / 邱旭君 Betty / 林真好(林懷萱) Tiffany / 朱思璇 Susie / 謝佩娟 Betty / 宋蘋芳 Ivy / 林逸榛 Emilie / 林丰乙 Christine / 楊濟綱 Edward / 張庭嘉 Emily / 白濬瑜 Cindy / 鄭秀彬 Maggie / 謝蕙 Julia / 蔡華君 Gloria / 古雲耀 Hakkas / 高心綸 Olivia / 陳慧媗 Huei-Shiuan / 黃乙玲 Friscilla / 邱美純 Rita / 艾欣儀 Angel / 夏紫澄 Candice / 簡妤甄 Angela / 吳岳洲 Alan / 林幸瑤 Emily / 吳沛彊 Matt / 陳欣琳 Betty / 蔡芳映 Rita / CHIEN-YU, WENG Maggie / 蘇真真 Nancy / William Todd Meaux / 張雄 Ferdo / 黃則鎧 Michael / Daniil Borissov / Nyirő Szalóme / 陳彥輔 Eliot / 李金榜 Jerry / Emanuele John Gelsi / 畢棕惠 Helen / 王盈盈 Terry / Harlan Roal Wells / 王麗雯 Violet / 余錫賢 Angel / 侯瑜蕙 Angela / 蔡潔心 Jessica / 羅儷 Lily / 張美琪 Victoria / 李善勻 Sunny / 李蓉 Connie / 劉懿瑩 Kiki / 逄增瑜 Jen / 陸韻如 Lucy / Monique Menkveld / 顏呈容 Harriet / "黃俊諺 Mark / 詹于穎 Marene / 林欣穎 Darice / 張曉芸 Elaine / Sara Teresa Grim / 黃豐熾 Frank / 麥爾文 Alvin / 蕭雅憫 Benjamin / 江沛妍 Sabrina / 侯雅文 Aven / 梁嘉惠 Christine / 葉如倩 Rachel / 吳瓊蘭 Lan / 邱亞儒 Rachel / 葉雁玲 Cecilia / 謝沛晴 Penny / Jan Luksa / 陳皇仁 Antony / 方婉君 Grace / 凃凱綺 Christina / 謝蓉真 Debby / 陳智玟 Gabriel / 黃執虔 Andrew / 高志光 Owen / 雲筱棠 Ashley / 胡鎮吉 Jim / 鄭舜仁 Fred / 何智明 Alex / John Anatholy L. Chua John / 許貴綿 Kuei-Mein / 葛良恩 Ann / 林子敬 Miki / 王薇薇 Wei-Wei / 陳佳君 Betty / 張家華 Tina / BRENDAN MENDES / 林季賢 James / 胡評閎 Harry / 吳姵穎 Monico / 趙怡婷 Daisy / 楊慧怡 Jen / 鄭廷婷 Ting-Ting / 蔡亞倫 Ellen / 謝秉庭 Dora / 許雅娟 Winnie / 林女譽 Joy / 林玉慧 Sara / 江蘋玓 Judy / Shelley Eileen Chang / 馬鈺婷 Angelina / 李建宏 Stanley / 孫沛婕 Alice / 吳世卿 Billy / 蔡惠幸 Joy / 鍾孟臻 Judy / 廖婉君 Wanda / 張翡月 Feiyueh / 陳亮智 Evans / Jorge Gonzalez Mosquera Jorge / 李沛穎 Ann / 楊浩威 Howard / 蕭瑞廷 Bonnie / 王惠巧 Sally / 羅希德 Rasyid / 謝孟青 Marco / 范玉芬 Selina / 王勁閎 Ching-Hung / 莊益誠 Ethan / Barrie Keith Whitling Barrie Keith / 王尚宸 James / 陳明君 Jean / 吳敬琳 Michael / 蕭倢伃 Jenny / 何宜恬 Tim / 張黎 Zhang Li / 劉佩茹 Pink / 林郁傑 Yu-Chieh / 曾敬豪 Jason / 黃家怡 Jia-Yi / 林郁雯 Sharon / 李姮蓁 Janly / 謝孟璋 Gilbert / 蕭若惠 Sandy / 許珊珊 Carrie / 蔡惠蘭 Ann / 杜沐恩 Ivy / Marcelo Valdes Marcelo / 林智婕 Catherine / 陳瑩暄 Elisa / 張佳雯 Sammi / 林宜欣 Katie / 陳詩思 Shih-Shih / 余昌潔 Cindy / 呂宜樺 Sandy / 楊沛璇 Lydia / 許佳茵 Joy / 廖婉棋 Virgina / 林襄君 Stephanie / 鄧宇軒 Yuan / 陳雅琪 Angela / Omid kahbasi Omid / 張李曉娟 Tiffany / 吳其澤 Jesse / 洪浩睿 Milic / 汪龍雯 Sophie / Online for Business / Online for Children / 林吟樺 Victoria / 裴劉美香 Nancy / William Anthony Higginson William / 劉宏瑋 Hung / 蕭崴云 Carrie / Dylan James Sandenbergh Dylan / 王淳郁 Carrie / 曾怡婷 Janice / 林筱詩 Ever / 陳虹羽 Ada / 孫藹林 Jessica / Miguel Melgarejo / 廖苡亘 Ariel / 黃怡璇 Angela / 吳玟瑾 Regina / 曾詩雅 Adela / 林婉婷 Tina / 許燕 Rosa / 林子廉 Grace / 余孟芳 Gloria / 何冠陵 Katherine / 鄭亦翔 Gustav


A: About Course

Q1: 如何註冊 Registration Process?

  • Step1: 請直接點選在網站首頁的[線上註冊Register Online],填完「申請表」後上傳即可。
  • Step 2: 請先加入我們的官Line @tesol 請在Line上告知我們您的中英文名字, 並告知我們您已填寫申請表。
  • Step 3: 當我們確定您的申請通過後,我們會立即以Line通知您。 如果未通過,我們亦會告知您需補繳什麼文件。
  • Step 4: 申請通過後,請直接繳交學費,以下兩種方式:
    • (a) 線上刷卡: 在官網首頁上有 EC pay 刷卡機制
    • (b) 銀行匯款或轉帳:
      遠東國際商業銀行 台北忠孝分行 銀行代碼805 帳號: 03100-1000-18138
      戶名: 新劍橋國際教育顧問有限公司
      學費Tuition: NT$ 19,800 (includes: Certificate Issuing Fee, Delivery Fee 包含發照費及寄送費) 。
  • Step 5: 完成學費付款後請在Line上告知您的銀行或信用卡末4碼。
  • Step 6: 我們確定您的匯款後會email一份[課程確認信]給您。
  • Step 7: 當您收到確認信後的5-7個工作天內, 您會收到來自於Inspired CPD的歡迎信Welcome Letter,您就立刻可以開始您的學習旅程了。
  • Step 1: Please click on [ Register Online] directly on our website, fill out the application form and upload it.
  • Step 2: Please join our official Line @tesol first, then inform us of your names via Line, and let us know that you have filled out the application form.
  • Step 3: Once we confirm that your application has been approved, we will immediately notify you via Line. If it is not approved, we will also inform you of what documents need to be supplemented.
  • Step 4: After the application is approved, please pay the tuition directly in the following two ways:
    • (a) Online card swiping: There is an EC pay card swiping mechanism on the official website homepage.
    • (b) Bank remittance or transfer:
      Far Eastern International Commercial Bank Taipei Zhongxiao Branch Bank (Code 805) Account number: 03100-1000-18138 Account Name: New Cambridge International Education Consulting Co., Ltd.
      Tuition: NT$ 19,800 (includes: Certificate Issuing Fee, Delivery Fee).
  • Step 5: After completing the tuition payment, please inform us of the last 4 digits of your bank or credit card via Line.
  • Step 6: After we confirm your remittance, we will email you a [Course Confirmation Letter].
  • Step 7: Within 5-7 working days of receiving the confirmation letter, you will receive a “Welcome Letter” from Inspired CPD, and you can start your learning journey immediately.

Q2: 入學要求 Entry Requirements?

  • (A) University graduate or above大學畢業或以上
  • (B) English proficiency certificate英文成績證明: IELTS: 5.5 or TOEFL IBT: 87 or TOEIC:785 or CEFR: B2 or Cambridge: FCE Pass or GEPT中高級

如果您未達到(B)的分數要求, 您必須與我們預約線上英文面試,通過則可註冊課程。預約線上英文面試: by Line: @ tesol

If you do not meet the score requirement of (B), you must schedule an online English interview with us. If you pass, you can register for the course。 Make a reservation? Please text us by Line @tesol

PS: If you graduated from a university in an English-speaking country or are an English Native Speaker, you do not need to provide English test scores. But still need to provide us your diploma via online application on our website.

Q3: 課程學習期限Course Deadline ?

當您收到”歡迎信Welcome Letter”的當天起計算6個月(180天)內,您必須完成所有的作業繳交,超過此期限將無法取得證書。

From the day you receive the “welcome letter”, you must complete and submit all assignments within 6 months (180 days). If you exceed this deadline, you will not be able to obtain the certificate。

Q4: 如何取得證書How to obtain the certificate?

在您完成作業繳交後,Inspired CPD會在14個工作天內回覆您是否通過,如果我們需要您修改您的作業,我們會給予您建議,然後您進行修改後,再次提交給我們。 一但您的作業通過, 10個工作天內您會收到來自Inspired-CPD的一張TESOL證書及一張課程通過証明,同時,也會得到CIEI發給的TESOL完成證明書。

我們將以郵局的掛號信寄發正本。 所以務必在申請表上確切填寫您的收件地址。

After you have submitted your assignment, Inspired CPD will reply within 14 working days whether you have passed. If we need you to modify your assignment, we will give you suggestions. After you make modifications, you can submit it to us again.

Once your assignment is approved, you will receive a TESOL Certificate from Inspired CPD, a Course Completion Certificate, and a TESOL Completion Certificate issued by CIEI within 10 working days. We will send the original by registered mail through the post office. Therefore, it is essential to accurately fill in your mailing address on the application form.

Q5: Email address?

請盡量不要用類似像 hotmail的email address, 以免我們收不到您的作業,因為此類信箱很容易進入垃圾郵件。

Please try to avoid using email addresses similar to Hotmail, to prevent us from not receiving your assignments, as such mailboxes are prone to being classified as spam.

Q6: Are there any exams in the course這門課程有任何考試嗎?


No, all assessments are assignments based. There are no written exams. If there is suspicion that a candidate has copied work in any ways or asking someone else to complete the assignments for them, there will be an interview with the course moderator.

Q7: 在學習過程中,您會得到什麼協助 What assistance will you receive during the learning process?

  1. 如您在學習中有任何問題,可以email聯繫CPD,TESOL培訓官會以email回覆您的疑問。
    If you have any questions during your study, you can contact CPD by email and the TESOL trainer will reply to your questions。
  2. 我們將在每月安排一次Live session (視訊)問答環節,通常在每月的最後一個星期六的下午3點,您可以參加提問,培訓官也會介紹課程的重點內容。我們將重點關注於教學和課程規劃的實際方面。
    我們會在 Live session前以email通知您。
    We will arrange a live QA session (video conference) once a month, usually on the last Saturday of each month at 3 pm. You can participate in asking questions, and the trainer will also introduce the key content of the course. We will focus on the practical aspects of teaching and course planning.
    We will notify you by email before the Live session.

Q8: 還會提供更多專業的課程嗎Extended Lessons in varies TESOL Professionals?

課程結束後,Inspired CPD 仍提供多項(須付費的)TESOL單一主體的加強短課程, 我們將在課程開始報名前email訊息給您。

After the course ends, Inspired CPD continues to offer a variety of (paid) TESOL single-subject enhancement short courses. We will email you the information before the registration for the course begins.

Q9: 證書上的重點為何 What are the key points on the certificate?

  1. 證書上面並不會註明"Online"字樣。您如果是想獲得學校或一般教學單位,亦或者要申請工作簽證,您都不需有任何疑慮;因為我們的TESOL課程內涵已達到Advanced的水準,並且同時提供學員每月的Live學習指導,因此我們可以等同教室上課水平。
  2. 在證書上會清楚地註明您發照的日期及學籍號碼(Student ID),如有相關人士要查照您的證書是否合格, 我們會依照您的學籍號碼如實報知。
  3. 證書的最下方有寫明” Inspired CPD is a Trinity College (of) London validated provider of CerTESOL, CertPT, TYLEC, and DipTESOL”, 這表示Insipred CPD是 Trinity College London 認證的課程提供者。這足以證明此證照的真實性及榮譽性。
  1. The certificate does not specify the term “Online”. Whether you are seeking recognition from schools or general teaching units, or applying for a work visa, there should be no concerns. Our TESOL course content has reached an advanced level, and we also provide students with live learning guidance every month, thus we can equate to the level of classroom teaching.
  2. The date of issuance and your student ID number will be clearly indicated on the certificate. If any relevant parties need to verify the qualification of your certificate, we will truthfully inform based on your student ID number.
  3. At the bottom of the certificate, it is clearly stated that “Inspired CPD is a Trinity College (of) London validated provider of CerTESOL, CertPT, TYLEC, and DipTESOL”. This indicates that Inspired CPD is a course provider certified by Trinity College London. This is sufficient to prove the authenticity and honor of this certificate.
    The most renowned TESOL General Certificate or CerTESOL or DipTESOL globally originates from the University of Cambridge and Trinity College London.

Q10: 請介紹倫敦聖三一學院 (Trinity College London)

Please introduce Trinity College London?

  • 權威:Trinity College London是一個國際考試委員會,具有豐富的文化遺產和積極、支持性的評估和發展方式。他們的TESOL認證被全球廣泛接受,包括在英國和世界各地的英國文化協會認可的機構。
  • 學術背景:Trinity College London的TESOL課程,即Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL),是一個TESOL或TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)證書,專為具有較少教學經驗或無英語教學經驗的人以及需要國際認可的教師教育資格的有經驗的人而設計。課程提供了英語教學理論和實踐的介紹,並深入了解學習者面臨的挑戰和教師的角色。CertTESOL在Ofqual的規定資格框架上被評為5級,相當於TESOL學士學位的第二年。
  • 聲譽:過去100年來,Trinity College已經在全球範圍內建立了學術卓越的聲譽,並且是主要的TESOL課程驗證機構之一。他們每年在全球範圍內提供超過850,000次的評估。
  • Trinity College London is an international examination board with a rich cultural heritage and a proactive, supportive approach to assessment. Their TESOL certification is widely accepted, including by British Council accredited institutions in the UK and around the world.
  • Their TESOL course, the Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL), is a TESOL or TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate designed for people with little or no experience of teaching English, and for those with experience who require an internationally recognised teacher education qualification. The course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of English teaching and gives an insight into the challenges facing the learner and the role of the teacher. The CertTESOL is rated at Level 5 on Ofqual’s Regulated Qualifications Framework, equivalent to the second year of an undergraduate degree.
  • Over the past 100 years, Trinity College has established a reputation for academic excellence worldwide and is one of the main TESOL course validation bodies. They provide over 850,000 assessments worldwide each year.

Q11: 如果您對未來的Trinity CerTESOL和DipTESOL感興趣,該如何獲取?

How to access the Trinity CerTESOL and DipTESOL if you are interested in the future?

如果學員想要繼續這些課程,可以聯繫Inspired CPD。您現在學習的課程的一部分將能夠帶您進入這些課程。英文方面至少需要IELTS 7才能完成CertTESOL,並且需要IELTS 7.5才能獲得DipTESOL。

Trainees can contact Inspired CPD if they want to proceed with these courses. Part of our live session will be able to introduce these courses. They would need IELTS 7 at least to complete the CertTESOL and IELTS 7.5 for the Diploma.

B: About TESOL



TESOL=Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages、TESL=Teaching English as a Second Language,兩者皆為加拿大、英國或其他以英語為母語的國家,從事教授外國人英文為其第二語言之教師資格證明。其授課內容較偏重生活實用性。

TEFL=Teaching English as a Foreign Language則是在非英語系國家,從事教外國人英文為第二語言之教師資格證明。其授課內容則較理論性。

由於全球化的趨勢,越來越多的非英語系國家將英語列為全民必修的第二語言,所以TESOL、TESL、TEFL 在教學內容上也漸漸相近,其證照於全球的通用性及被認可度也日漸增廣。




TESOL Certification是國際性英語師資訓練的課程,所獲得的證書由英美語系之大專系所或相關機構所頒發,並且通過國際教學評鑑單位的審核。課程通常為短期性密集完成,結業後所獲得的證書將表示您已獲得國際標準英語師資培訓結業水準。此類課程並不涉及學位學分,而目前台灣教育部雖尚未建立有效的證照審核制度,但一般公、私立機構及社會大眾皆以TESOL證照做為其師資聘雇之主要考量,並認同其課程對老師在教學本身的幫助。如果您希望往後能夠在各國公立學校教學,TESOL證書雖無法取代各國官方教師證書,但仍可幫助您在世界各地順利的從事英語教學工作。







What is the difference between TEFL and TESOL?

TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and is used mainly in Britain while TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and is used primarily in the United States of America They are basically the same。

Can I get a job in public school after I finish the course?

The TESOL Certificate Program is a non-credit, non-degree program preparing people to teach English as a Second or Foreign Language. It does not qualify for state public school certification.

What are the job prospects for EFL teachers?

English as a foreign language is a huge industry employing hundreds of thousands of teachers in almost every country of the world. Your tutors themselves have trained hundreds of teachers who are currently used in a wide variety of locations.

Is the course open to non-native speakers of English?

The course is available to both native and non-native speakers of English. Your tutors would tell you that some of their most successful course members have been non-native speakers.

Do I need a TEFL/TESL Certificate to teach English?

A TEFL/TESOL qualification is increasingly required to teach English, and it's now difficult to find consistently good TEFL jobs without a recognized TEFL/TESOL course. Also, for personal advancement, a TEFL/TESOL course will expand your extrinsic knowledge of English.

Generally, many European jobs require some teaching qualification i.e. TESOL/TEFL certificate. In other countries, such as those in Asia, you can get a teaching job with just a degree in any subject, however, a TESOL/TEFL Course will help you secure a good job and prepare you for the teaching environment.