Tesoltaiwan Oxford師訓講座:完美課堂活動設計秘訣
Tesoltaiwan於6/28 舉辦Oxford 師訓講座,邀請到擁有十年豐富教學經驗的Oxford University Press經理Kerry Nockolds和大家分享良好課堂活動的設計重點與要領,我們特將講座內容集結成文字稿,讓無緣參與的老師們也能身歷其境,加以學習喔!!
講師:Kerry Nockolds
Kerry Nockolds, BSc Economics, BA Chinese, gained his TESOL certificate in London in 1996 and has been teaching in Taiwan for 10 years. Kerry is an experienced teacher trainer and was formerly an Academic manager for a large chain of schools in Taiwan. Kerry is an experienced curriculum designer and materials developer and has brought these skills into his present position of Field Editor for Oxford University Press in Taiwan.
● 我們為什麼要在課堂中玩遊戲?
- Fun (有趣)
- Motivation (引起動機)
- Creates Fluency (創造學生口語的流暢度)
- Raise Accuracy (提升學生口語的準確度)
- 當我們上課時用覆頌的方式教學生新的單字或句型時,通常是整班學生跟著老師一起唸,到底個別學生是否有吸收,或發音是否標準,其實老師很難察覺。透過遊戲,老師可以藉此觀察個別學生運用新單字的狀況,如果他們有使用上的困難或錯誤,我們才能知道並進一步在遊戲後做糾正。
- Check understanding (檢視學生是否了解新學的語言)
- Puts language into context (將語言置入情境)
- 遊戲創造一個真實的情境,讓學生可以富有創造性的使用語言,認為學習英語是有實際用途的,也更能夠被激起學英語的動機。創造情境的好處也在於,讓學生在事後回想時,能因為有情境的搭配而對於學習的字彙句型更有印象。
- Raise confidence (增加學生的自信心)
- Can use extra language (增加學生彈性使用英語的機會)
- 當我們在玩遊戲時,雖然會給學生固定的句型架構,讓他們套用,但是學生也能夠運用之前所學的單字去做延伸和語句的重組,讓語言的學習是很彈性且有創造性的。
- Use language independently (培養學生獨立使用英文的能力)
● 在設計遊戲時,我們應該注意哪些事情?
- 我的Target Language (指要讓學生學習的主要字彙或句型)是否都設計在遊戲中了。
- 學生都能獨立的使用Target Language嗎?
- 我在講解遊戲規則時是否清楚。
● 哪些資源可以幫助我設計遊戲?
- 你自己!!
- 每位老師都曾經當過學生,可以從記憶裡搜尋好玩的遊戲,再把他調整一下,成為適用於英語教學的遊戲。例如:大家都聽過「兩隻老虎」這首歌,我們可以用同樣的旋律,把歌詞改掉,放入我們想要教學生的句子,去做歌唱教學。 其他的老師
- 教師手冊/線上教學資源。很多老師都沒有使用教師手冊的習慣,這是一件非常奇怪的事。教師手冊常會提供許多活動和遊戲來讓課程變得更豐富,我們雖然不必照本宣科,但卻能從中得到許多設計遊戲的靈感。
TESL發展至今已經有十幾年的歷史,而英語教學更是需要長期的學習訓練加上教學現場的磨練,所以想成為一位資深的英語教師絕對是要具有熱誠和耐心,若您目前已經立志想成為一位英語教師,趕緊投資你自己,進修ㄧ張國際性的英語教學證照(TESOL/ TESL/ TEFL certificate)。若您預算不多,可以考慮先考一張劍橋英語教師認證(TKT),考試內容包含三個單元,每個單元可分開考試,單一報名費用為1650元,考題屬於英語教學相關知識性的選項題,目前劍喬台北語言中心研發一套除了官方版TKT書籍外的參考叢書The TKT Preparation,本書籍已於2008年一月正式販售。創新影音自學叢書結合TKT必考三大章節外,各章節由資深外師講解,可重覆觀看、熟記各章節重點,建議學員可以購買相關書籍自修。通常具備一定的英語能力加上理解貫通書籍內容,大部分學員皆可獲得不錯的等級。
撰文 劍喬台北語言中心 教學組長 Kay Chen
- 以取得學位為主
課程以理論為主還是偏實務面?如果您是要攻讀碩士學位,然後投入教職,則建議選擇較多實務面的課程;如果您要繼續深造博士學位,則選擇以理論為主。 - 以就業需求為主
TESL(Teaching English as a Second Language)是專門在「英語系國家」為非以英語為母語之學生對象,所特別設計之師資訓練課程。
TESL (Teachers of English as a Second Language) 或是TESOL(Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)要於加拿大、美國或其他英語系國家境內,從事教授外國人英文為其第二語言之教師執教資格證明。
TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)則是專門在「非英語系國家」為非以英語為母語之學生對象,所特別設計之師資訓練課程。
TEFL (Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)要於加拿大或美國以外的地區,從事教授外國人英文為其第二語言之教師執教資格證明。
TESOL的緣起 ~ The early history of TESOL
By James E. Alatis, Georgetown University
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) is an independent professional organization established in 1966. The organization was created out of professional concern over the lack of a single, all-inclusive professional organization that might bring together teachers and administrators at all educational levels with an interest in teaching English to speakers of other languages (ESOL). The formation of the organization was a sign of TESOL’s maturity as a profession. It is worth looking back to where TESOL has been in order to understand where TESOL, both the profession and the organization, is today and where it is likely to go in the future.
The creation of the TESOL was the culmination of more than 4 years of organizational groundwork and discussions centering around three issues: (1) The need for a professional organization that would be permanently devoted to the problems of teaching English to speakers of other languages, at all levels. (2) The need for a pedagogical journal to serve the entire profession. (3) The need for a register of specialists that might be helpful to foundations, government agencies, and universities in their attempt to cope with the ever-growing need for qualified personnel in the area of ESOL.
The question of an association for teachers of English to speakers of other languages, and the related questions of a journal and a roster of ESOL specialists, had been matters of concern for some time not only to the people in universities and professional associations, but also to government agencies and foundations with interests and activities in ESOL.
"Five organizations gave birth to TESOL, each one vitally concerned with second language problems, yet no one organization exclusively concerned with them. The Center for Applied Linguistics has as its interests the entire area of applied linguistics, which includes a program in English as a second language. The Modern Language Association of America has concentrated on the teaching of English and foreign languages to native speakers and on literary scholarship. The National Association of Foreign Student Affairs has borne a good deal of the burden of all problems--not only language problems--of the foreign student. The National Council of Teachers of English encompasses all of English pedagogy almost form the cradle to the grave, of which English as a second language is a part. The Speech Association of America has had an obvious concern in thousands of classrooms and through its research with the speaker whose English is not idiomatic. The Steering Committee that planned the first TESOL conference in Tucson in 1964 and the second in San Diego in 1965, as well as the New York convention in 1966, was made up of the representatives of these five interested organizations." (Anderson, 1967, p. 175)
Following is a brief summary of developments in the progress toward increasing professionalism that was emerging in 1966.