What is the difference between TEFL and TESOL?
TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and is used mainly in Britain while TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and is used primarily in the United States of America They are basically the same
Can I get a job in public school after I finish the course?
The TESOL Certificate Program is a non-credit, non-degree program preparing people to teach English as a Second or Foreign Language. It does not qualify for state public school certification.
How can I be sure that I can successfully pass the course?
Your tutor will point out any weak areas and make suggestions as to how you can improve. You can submit an assignment up to three times at no extra charge. The online course has been written and adapted to ensure that students can work through the material in their own time and at their own pace. There is no time limit to complete the course..
How is my work for the Diploma marked?
You send your completed assignments to your personal tutor. There are two assignments for each of the four units. You will be given a grade for each assignment and your final grade will be based on the average grade you earned. TSome self-correcting exercises within each unit will help you to monitor your progress.
What are the job prospects for EFL teachers?
English as a foreign language is a huge industry employing hundreds of thousands of teachers in almost every country of the world. Your tutors themselves have trained hundreds of teachers who are currently used in a wide variety of locations.
What do I do if I have questions that have not been answered so far?
Contact us and we will do our best to give you a quick and straightforward response to your question.
Is the course open to non-native speakers of English?
The course is available to both native and non-native speakers of English. Your tutors would tell you that some of their most successful course members have been non-native speakers.
What qualification do I receive upon completion of the course?
Upon successful completion of the Diploma course, you will receive the 'London Teacher Training College Diploma in TESOL', along with the overall grade.
Upon successful completion of the Certificate course, you will receive the ' London Teacher Training College certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language'
Do I need a University Degree to teach English?
Yes and No.
It really depends where you go. The governments of some countries will not issue a working visa to people without degrees (countries include Taiwan, Japan and South Korea).
Other countries will hire English teachers with just a TEFL/TESOL qualification . If you're an EU citizen you can teach English in most European countries without a degree, just a TEFL/TESOL qualification.
In some parts of the world (particularly South East Asia and Central America) you will find schools that will take on teachers without any qualifications; however there are risks associated with these positions. It's unlikely the TEFL job is legal, therefore you will have no rights and risk deportation. Also, the pay is usually lower.
Do I need a TEFL/TESL Certificate to teach English?
A TEFL/TESOL qualification is increasingly required to teach English, and it's now difficult to find consistently good TEFL jobs without a recognized TEFL/TESOL course. Also, for personal advancement ,a TEFL/TESOL course will expand your extrinsic knowledge of English.
Generally , many European jobs require some teaching qualification ie TESOL/TEFL certificate. In other countries, such as those in North Asia, you can get a TEFL job with just a degree in any subject, however, a TEFL Course will help you secure a good TEFL job and prepare you for the teaching environment.